Emergency Medical Technicians
Our Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs) support and work alongside Paramedics, other EMTs and our Assistant Ambulance Practitioners (AAPs). The EMT role is available as part of our frontline ambulance apprenticeship career pathway once you have completed and qualified as an AAP.
What training do I get?
You will complete a 15-month level 4 Associate Ambulance Practitioner Apprenticeship Upskills programme. This includes an initial 10-week training period followed by 52-weeks on the job training supported by course tutors. The training will include:
- Introduction to the human body and medical terminology
- Anatomy and physiology of the major body systems
- Health and illness and the specific care of various conditions
- Patient assessment and examination
- Resuscitation and the use of defibrillators
- Wound care
- Ambulance equipment
- Manual handling and moving
- Infection control and prevention
- Major and serious incidents
- Scene management
As a Level 4 programme you will undertake written assessments, the vast majority of which will require you to evidence and submit work based on all of the learner outcomes and the assessment criteria of FutureQuals, which will take you a year to complete. These learner outcomes are available to view on the FutureQuals website.
What benefits will I receive?
Pay is dependent on your work location being inner or outer London – in inner the pay starts from £31,123 per annum (band 5 annex 21) and increases on completion of the apprenticeship to at least £34,088 band 5) – in outer the pay starts from £30,250 per annum (band 5 annex 21) and increases on completion of the apprenticeship to at least £32,711 band 5).
You will also be able to take advantage of other benefits which are listed on our benefits page.

Where can I progress to once I have completed by EMT apprenticeship?
On successful completion you will be eligible to apply to become a paramedic via the degree apprenticeship. As you will have completed the level 4 apprenticeship and gained relevant frontline ambulance experience you will be able to bypass the 1st year of the degree programme.
How do I become an EMT?
The route to becoming an EMT is via our frontline ambulance apprenticeship career pathway – this starts with the AAP role.
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