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Privacy Notice

The London Ambulance Service NHS Trust Privacy Notice for the purposes of individual care, the provision of best care, employment and staffing.

This privacy notice tells you what to expect us to do with your personal information when you contact us or use our services.

You can find more detailed information about how we use your information for the following specific purposes here:

Our contact details

Name: London Ambulance Service NHS Trust

Address: Headquarters: Waterloo

220 Waterloo Road

Our telephone number is 020 7783 2000.

  • General Information Governance/Data Protection inquiries email address: [email protected]
  • Website:
  • We are the controller for your information. A controller decides on why and how information is used and shared.

Data Protection Officer contact details

  • Our Data Protection Officer is Philip John, who is also our Information Governance Manager, and is responsible for monitoring our compliance with data protection requirements. You can contact him with queries or concerns relating to the use of your personal data at [email protected]

Date of last review: 1 June 2024

Next scheduled review: 1 September 2024

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