NHS 111
Calling 999 is for emergencies only. NHS 111 is for people who need medical help and advice when not in a life-threatening situation.
Highly trained advisors, who are supported by healthcare professionals, are available on NHS 111 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. You can call 111 or go online to 111.nhs.uk.
When should you call 111?
- You need medical help fast, but it’s not a 999 emergency
- You don’t know who to call for medical help or you don’t have a GP to call
- You think you need to go to A&E or another NHS urgent care service but are not sure which one is most appropriate
- You require health advice or reassurance about what to do next
For less urgent needs, please contact your GP or pharmacist.
Find out more about NHS 111 on the NHS 111 website.
London Ambulance Service and NHS 111
London Ambulance Service provides 111 services across all areas of London.
With London Ambulance Service now a cross-London provider of 111, more people than ever before are benefiting from having direct access to our multidisciplinary team of professionals. This means people are receiving timelier access to assessments, greater clinical oversight and an increased use of alternative pathways to ensure access to the right service, first time.
When you call 111, our highly trained call handlers can determine whether your condition requires 999 assistance and arrange for an ambulance crew to attend you, or offer you medical advice which could include visiting your GP, pharmacist or local walk-in centre.
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