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Chief Executive statement as 999 calls increase by 60%

Daniel Elkeles, Chief Executive of London Ambulance Service, said:

“We are still facing huge pressure on our services after the global IT outage and the hottest day of the year on Friday.

“Yesterday calls to 999 increased by 60 per cent since this time last year* and our 111 health advisors have been taking as many as 750 calls an hour. It was one of the busiest days for London Ambulance Service since COVID.

“Our teams are always here to help if you need us and we encourage anyone who needs our services to contact us, but please only call 999 if you have a life-threatening illness or injury.

“If it is not an emergency, you can also see your GP, pharmacist or use 111 online for medical advice.

“As the weather is forecast to get hotter next week, please do check in on friends, family and neighbours who might be vulnerable.”

*Yesterday (Saturday, 20 July) there were 6849 calls to 999 compared to 4,270 calls on Saturday 22 July last year.


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