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Reporting an incident involving one of our vehicles

Please ensure that you include as much information (including pictures or videos) as possible in order for us to look into the incident.

Reporting an incident involving one of our vehicles

  • :
  • Please try to be as detailed as you can.
  • If you do not know the vehicle registration or fleet number please provide here as much detail as you can on what the vehicle looked like. If you are able to provide an answer for either or both of the two previous questions, you can leave this box empty.
  • Accepted file types: jpg, gif, png, pdf, mp4, Max. file size: 150 MB.
    Please upload any relevant images of video - such as dashcam footage or photographs. Please note, the maximum file size is 150MB and file types accepted are: JPEG, GIF, PNG, PDF and MP4


Information about the way that we use the data that you provide can be found in our privacy policy.

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