BBC star shares experiences which drive him to care for others
The star of the gripping second episode of the BBC documentary series Ambulance has shared how childhood struggles inspired him to help others.
Emergency Medical Technician Ellis Falco showcased his incredible compassion and kindness as he said: “Unfortunately addiction was part of my childhood because my mum struggled with alcohol misuse, however, I am fortunate as she took the brave steps towards recovery and has remained on that journey. I saw it all first-hand.”

Viewers of the BBC One hit show which broadcast last week watched an especially touching incident, Ellis, alongside his crewmate Jade, attended to a 54-year-old woman suffering chest pain.
When they arrived, they found the patient was struggling with alcohol dependency – having consumed up to five or six bottles of wine that day according to her son.
During his interactions with the patient and her son, Ellis was moved to share insight from his own life and his own similar history, hoping to help motivate her in her road to recovery.
The 32-year-old said: “Alcoholism and addiction are issues I feel very strongly about because I’ve seen the impact of first-hand. I’ve seen it in a relative who sadly lives on the streets after being coaxed into a heroin addiction from the age of 18. She didn’t choose this life for herself. She’s my family and so I will always be here for her – with open arms to help her whenever she needs me.
“I look at it differently to many other people because I think it’s a very hard path to get off once you’re on it. Some people say it’s an active choice, but sometimes that’s really not the case. Sometimes it may feel impossible, and it takes real encouragement and an incredible amount of strength to change.
“With the woman we attended to in episode two of BBC Ambulance who was facing addiction issues – you could really see she wanted to change but was struggling. The son really reminded me of myself to be fair, watching his mum almost fall apart. It was so sad to see.”

Ellis’ own mother has battled with addiction and it impacted him during his childhood. Thankfully, he can proudly say his mum has been sober for the past 20 years.
He said: “My mum managed to turn it around with support from her loved ones. Thankfully – and I’m so proud of her for it – my mum had the strength to go sober. On 10 December each year I send her a message congratulating her on another year of sobriety passing and telling her how proud of her I am. I can only imagine how hard it is to give up an addiction and anyone who does it deserves so much credit!”
This now informs his work in the field, Ellis revealed, and he said he is even more determined to offer help when he knows someone is in the right frame of mind to take up the challenging mantle and seek sobriety.
Ellis said he is also acutely aware of how hard this journey can be – and that for many giving them something to fight for, whether that’s for themselves or a loved one – is very important and helps recovery.
He said: “I’ve seen it first-hand. Change really is possible. I was a lot younger than I am now when my mum was in her active addiction, so I probably didn’t understand as much as I would now. But I still remember how it felt. If it happened now, I know I would do absolutely anything and everything I could to help her.
“I appreciate there are relapses and people do U-turns, but it is always possible to get back on the right path. So to carers of those with addiction struggles, I say, just don’t give up on them.”

Since the episode aired, Ellis has been inundated with amazing and very positive comments from viewers.
Posting on X, one person wrote: “As always London Ambulance Service do themselves proud on another episode of #Ambulance particularly Ellis, made me cry, made me think about my nanna.”
Another wrote: “So many brilliant staff members in every series of Ambulance, Ellis, in this series, and tonight’s episode in particularly, is really outstanding though. His caring manner, rooted in his own family experiences, is exemplary and heart-warming.”
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To find out more about alcohol misuse, and when to seek help, visit the NHS website here.
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