27 Oct 2021
Our message to Londoners this Halloween weekend
This Halloween, we’re asking Londoners to take care and use NHS services wisely as we anticipate a busy weekend in the capital.
Continue reading27 Oct 2021
This Halloween, we’re asking Londoners to take care and use NHS services wisely as we anticipate a busy weekend in the capital.
Continue reading22 Oct 2021
On Thursday we invited the families of colleagues from our Service who passed away in the last year to join us at a memorial event.
Continue reading22 Oct 2021
We’re experiencing a very busy autumn so far and as we approach what will be a busy winter, we’re asking Londoners to use us wisely and help us to help them.
Continue reading15 Oct 2021
This Saturday (16 October) London Ambulance Service medics will be delivering free lifesaving training sessions to the public for Restart a Heart Day.
Continue reading14 Oct 2021
Thursday 14 October is Allied Health Professionals (AHPs) Day – an opportunity to celebrate the contribution of AHPs to the NHS – and in London Ambulance Service we are highlighting the breadth of paramedic roles and opportunities for career development.
Continue reading13 Oct 2021
This autumn, London Ambulance Service clinicians will benefit from nearly 5,000 eighth generation iPads as part of our commitment towards ensuring our clinicians have access to the latest technology to aid patient care.
Continue reading7 Oct 2021
Little Ariana was taught at a young age what to do in the event of a medical emergency. And it was just as well that she was – because when her mum, Rosie, collapsed at home in the middle of the night, six-year-old Ariana kept calm and knew exactly how to respond.
Continue reading4 Oct 2021
In an article to mark Black History Month, Emergency Ambulance Crew Shurelle writes about why she joined #TeamLAS, on feeling uncomfortable as the only black person on her training course and how things have changed for the better.
Continue reading30 Sep 2021
As we approach the beginning of this year’s Poppy Appeal, a London Ambulance Service dispatcher who leads our internal poppy fundraising has presented the Royal British Legion with a cheque for £5,688 from last year’s appeal, with our 2021 fundraising well under way.
Continue reading21 Sep 2021
Ruth May, Chief Nursing Officer for NHS England and Improvement, has met colleagues across London Ambulance Service to hear first-hand about the work of our nurses.
Continue reading16 Sep 2021
Two staff from our 999 control rooms have been praised for their work supporting Londoners in a national award for emergency dispatchers.
Continue reading15 Sep 2021
Gary Edwards, one of the first paramedics on scene of the London Bridge terror attack in 2017, has been awarded a London Ambulance Service Chief Commendation award for his exceptional courage and bravery.
Continue reading14 Sep 2021
It is with great sadness that we announce that Debbie Baldwin, a London Ambulance Service volunteer Emergency Responder, passed away on 9 September.
Continue reading13 Sep 2021
A paramedic who helped a teenager in cardiac arrest, a 999 dispatcher who educates young people about the dangers of knife crime, and a group of medics who saved their colleague’s life have all been nominated for a national award.
Continue reading10 Sep 2021
A specialist London Ambulance Service paramedic has nominated his colleagues for a national award after they saved his life.
Continue reading9 Sep 2021
As the country marks 999 Day, I would like to pay tribute to the dedicated staff and volunteers at London Ambulance Service and to all our emergency services partners who support us in our work. We also remember the ten colleagues who have died from the virus during this pandemic, as well as their families and friends.
Continue reading8 Sep 2021
On Thursday 9th September we joined the nation in marking Emergency Services Day (999 Day).
Continue reading7 Sep 2021
In this period of warmer weather, many of us will be looking forward to enjoying the sunshine and fine weather. But please be aware of the dangers of spending too long in the sun and the health risks of hot weather.
Continue reading6 Sep 2021
June, July and August of this year were three of the top five busiest months on record for London Ambulance Service in terms of 999 calls taken.
July 2021 was our second busiest month on record – second only to March 2020 where we saw the first peak of the COVID-19 pandemic. August and June were our fourth and fifth busiest ever months respectively.
Continue reading3 Sep 2021
It is with great sadness that we announce the death of our colleague, Orin Clarke, who passed away on Sunday 22 August with COVID-19.
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