Our newest Clinical Team Managers complete their course
Last week, 34 London Ambulance Service medics completed a course to become our newest Clinical Team Managers (CTMs).
This was the end of a 20-day new starter course, delivered over four weeks and was marked by a celebration where the new CTMs were presented with their new epaulettes and certificates upon successful completion of the course.
This 2021 Clinical Team Manager cohort are this week undergoing inductions at their new posting – ambulance stations across London.
The Clinical Team Manager post was created in a restructure in 2018. CTMs are all experienced clinicians with a minimum of four years of frontline experience and come from a range of different roles and backgrounds.
An aspect of the role of a CTM includes leading and managing a team of clinicians: ensuring their continued development and supporting their welfare.
They also respond to incidents: providing clinical colleagues with support on-scene.
Darren Farmer, a London Ambulance Service Director of Operations said:
“Clinical Team Managers play a vital role in two key areas – both of which are essential as we go in to winter and will help ensure we can continue giving our patients the best care.
“These are providing effective clinical leadership to help our ambulance crews to develop their medical skills and expertise – and supporting our people: including with their welfare.
“I’d like to thank our newest CTMs for their dedication and for all they do for us and for Londoners and congratulate them on completing the course.”
The cohort who completed their course last week now join a CTM ‘pool’ which means they undergo training and are then each assigned to a team across the Service, where they undertake CTM roles as required.

This might be to cover sick leave, secondments and maternity absences. They are then eligible to apply to substantive roles.
The group will undergo a three month consolidation period with a CTM mentor. After three months they will be autonomous and independent in their roles.
In their last week of the course, our Chief Executive Daniel Elkeles visited the cohort.
He said:
“It was a pleasure to meet the Clinical Team Manager class of 2021. They are an amazing bunch of clinical leaders.
“We wish you all the best with your leadership careers.”
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